Norma Fernandes

Norma Fernandes is a teacher from Karachi, Pakistan.


Fernandes started off her career teaching at St Patrick's High School, Karachi. She also was a sportswoman, a dramatist, and musician.
From 1966 to 2009, she worked first as a teacher and then as Headmistress of the Karachi Grammar School.
In January 2006, Norma Fernandes moved to a new area of responsibility within the Karachi Grammar School, as Advisor, working with the Board, the Principal and the Internal Management Team and also giving confidential advice to parents.
In 2009, she retired from the Karachi Grammar School after more than 50 years in education.
In 2013 The Citizens Archive of Pakistan interviewed Fernandes to obtain the story of her service. In a podcast, Fernandes talks about her memories of growing up in Karachi and when her entire family migrated to Canada, but she stayed behind to continue working in education.
On 14 August 2013, the Government of Pakistan announced that it would honour Fernandes on 23 March 2014 with the Tamgha-i-Imtiaz for her services to education..