
Nordkrone is a mountain in Peary Land, Northern Greenland. Administratively it is part of the Northeast Greenland National Park.
Danish Arctic explorer Eigil Knuth described the mountain in the following terms:


Nordkrone is variously described as a plateau and as a ridge. It has an ice cap out of which flow many glaciers and its slopes are intersected by deep ravines with steep sides.
Nordkrone is located in central Peary Land, to the south of Frederick E. Hyde Fjord, southeast of the head of the Freja Fjord. It rises south of the Balder Glacier, west of which rises Mount Wistar. The Børglum River flows southward from Nordkrone to Brønlund Fjord.
Certain publications give a height of, claiming it is the highest elevation of Peary Land, but that is the height of Mt Wistar. Some sources give other elevations ranging from about to more than.