No Peace for the Wicked

"No Peace for the Wicked" is an episode of the British sitcom Porridge, made for the BBC. It first aired on 14 November 1975, and is the fourth episode of the second series. In this episode, Fletcher tries to have some peace during a weekend afternoon, but fails to achieve this.


On a Saturday afternoon, while prisoners are enjoying some free time within Slade Prison, Fletcher decides to spend his lying on his bunk and reading his adult magazine. However, he finds himself unable to achieve peace, as some of his friends pop in, asking him to join them or loan him something. When he receives no more request, Fletcher notices that there is a wooden hobby horse in his cell, made by elderly prisoner Blanco Webb. As he is fond of him, Fletcher acts kindly to him when he turns up for it, and convinces him to use it as a distraction to another prisoner, so he can nick some snacks from him. Once the deed is done, Fletcher asks that Blanco pass the word around that he is "incommunicado", but the concept is not grasped by him.
The next person to disturb Fletcher's peace is prison officer Barrowclough, who disapproves of him loafing around and refuses to lock him in at his request. The men converse about the United States penal system, before Barrowclough leaves to resume his patrol. Soon, prison officer Mackay arrives with a group of Home Office visitors that are inspecting the prison. Much to Fletcher's annoyance, the group fail to respect his privacy by asking about his views on prison life due to his criminal record.
Finding himself at breaking point, Fletcher prays to God to let him have some peace, as he fears he may not be responsible for his actions otherwise. Unfortunately, the prison chaplain chooses this moment to have a word with Fletcher, causing him to snap and assault the chaplain. Following the incident, Fletcher is brought before the governor by Mackay for his actions, even though Fletcher insist in his defence that the chaplain was not seriously hurt. As punishment, Fletcher is given three days of solitary confinement, though as he leaves, he requests if it could be made longer, forcing Mackay to drag him away.

Episode cast