Nillahcootie Dam

The Nillahcootie Dam, a rock and earth-fill embankment dam with a unique Gothic arch-shaped crest spillway across the Broken River that is located near, in the Alpine region of Victoria, Australia. The dam's purpose is for the supply of potable water and for irrigation. The impounded reservoir is called Lake Nillahcootie.

Location and features

Designed and constructed by the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission of Victoria, the dam was completed in 1967. The embankment dam wall is constructed with an earth core and rock fill, rising to a height of. The core component materials of the wall include of rock and earth. The reservoir has a capacity of, and can release a maximum outflow of approximately per day in normal operation.
The crest of the uncontrolled spillway is and the embankment is approximately long. When full, flood flows spill over a unique Gothic arch-shaped crest. The storage also features a secondary spillway that is operated only during severe floods. It uses the ‘fuse plug' principle, in which a section of earthen embankment within the secondary spillway has been designed so that at a predetermined flood level it will be eroded away and increase the discharge through the spillway.


It is a popular water-skiing destination, especially during the summer.
The name is of Indian origin and is thought to mean "Blue House".