The main conclusion reached by Trakakis is that Rowe's evidential argument from evil, or a version thereof, succeeds in showing that the existence of certain kinds of evil provides strong evidence against the existence of God. The possibility, however, is always left open that there may well be other evidence in support of the existence of God which outweighs or defeats the evidence of evil. This conclusion is based on, first, the rejection the sceptical theist's appeal to mystery, and second, the inadequacy of standard theodicies to explain the existence of natural evil. Trakakis argues that there is no good reason to accept the currently popular 'sceptical theist' response to the evidential problem of evil – that is, the response that we do not know, and we cannot be expected to know, what God's reasons are for permitting evil. Trakakis has, for example, argued that the sceptical theist position of Kirk Durston – a position which maintains that the complexity of history is such that we cannot pass judgement on the overall moral value of any particular historical event – leads to an implausible form of moral scepticism. Trakakis also maintains that some of the major theodicies that have been offered by theists fail to explain why God would permit various types of evil, particularly 'natural evil' or suffering brought about by natural processes. However, he does believe that the free-will theodicy may succeed in explaining at least some kinds of moral evil. On this issue, Joel Thomas Tierno has argued against Trakakis that human freedom alone can not account for all instances of moral evil, given the scale on which we find it distributed in the world.
In his current research, Trakakis is exploring various approaches to the philosophy of religion, focusing in particular on analytic and Continental approaches. He has also published two volumes of poetry and philosophical reflections, Tears and Silent Transfigurations, with a third volume forthcoming.
Selected papers
"An Epistemically Distant God? A Critique of John Hick's Response to the Problem of Divine Hiddenness", The Heythrop Journal 48 : 214–26.
"Rowe's New Evidential Argument from Evil: Problems and Prospects", Sophia: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysical Theology and Ethics, vol. 45, no. 1, May 2006, pp. 57–77.
"An Interview with the Very Rev. Dr. Themistocles Adamopoulo, Apostle to the Poor and Oppressed", Theandros: An Online Journal of Orthodox Christian Theology and Philosophy, vol. 3, no. 2, Winter 2005/2006.
William Rowe on Philosophy of Religion: Selected Works, Ashgate Publishing, 2007. .