Nicholas Boothman

Nicholas Boothman is an English author and speaker based in Toronto. His most popular book is How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less. His other books include How to Make Someone Fall in Love With You in 90 Minutes or Less and How to Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less. In 2010, he wrote his latest book titled Convince Them in 90 Seconds or Less: Make Instant Connections That Pay Off in Business and in Life.


In 1982, Boothman founded Corporate Images, an advertising company. Later, he founded Persuasion Technology Group. After a 25-year career in fashion and advertising photography, Boothman switched careers and became a licensed practitioner of neurolinguistic programming, a controversial technique that the National Academy of Sciences concluded is lacking in terms of a scientific basis. Boothman writes about human potential, persuasive communication and enhancing relationships.


How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less

In 1999, he wrote his first book titled How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds on Less. The book has been translated into seven languages. To demonstrate the validity of his techniques in the book, Boothman visited three locations in Houston, accompanied by a Houston Chronicle reporter. Boothman was directed to approach strangers including courier guys, a Chase bank employee and metro bike patrols. He was apparently able to get liked by them in 90 seconds. Later in August, he went to Grand Central Terminal and other parts of New York City accompanied by a New York Times reporter and approached multiple strangers to gain their trust. The New York Times called him "Dale Carnegie for a rushed era." Publishers Weekly said that it was a "well-packaged self-help book" that "reads like an adapted seminar or puffed-up magazine article".

How to Make Someone Fall In Love With You In 90 Minutes Or Less

Boothman’s 2004 book How to Make Someone Fall In Love With You In 90 Minutes or Less was published by Workman Publishing Company. In the book, Boothman discusses techniques for approaching and getting intimate with a stranger in 90 minutes. Boothman studied 2,100 couples to collect information for writing this book.