Neverending Nights

Neverending Nights is a machinima comic fantasy video series created by Tawmis Logue and Adam Freese using the computer game Neverwinter Nights. The story follows Grayson and Peter in their quest to become heroes by slaying a dragon. However, they discover that the path to fame and fortune proves to be far more complex than either of them had expected.

Setting and overview

Neverending Nights is set in an original fantasy setting. In the fantasy setting, several of the characters make reference to a Goddess by the name of 'Nen'. Throughout the adventure of these two would be heroes, they cross forests, frozen tundra, various cities, villages, deserts, and even cross a vast ocean. The adventure begins in 'The City of Neverending'.
Several of the characters that are encountered are also personal references and jokes to the actors voicing the characters. Also, many of the characters titles reflect the character's name by having the same letter - only a few have an exception to this.
The general plot of the first season was the two would be heroes going out to find a dragon to kill, just so they could become rich and famous - and never have to pay for a drink again. By the end of the first season, they encounter their first dragon - but this is where they begin to realize that things are not always so black and white. The second season has them being given another quest - to rescue a maiden. Indirectly, the two heroes manage to do just that. The third season has the heroes being prepared to face off against the often mentioned Dragon of Silverlake.
In January 2016, Tawmis began re-filming the entire series, re-releasing them every Saturday, in 1080p, both on their site and on their YouTube channel.


The story mainly follows Grayson the Fighter and Peter the Ranger. Several other characters, such as Pawl the Dorf, Andrea the Assassin, Daniel the Destructive, Amiee the Armorer become key supporting characters later in the series.

Main characters

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Neverending Nights has gained a following of fans, and has been featured in both PC Gamer and PC Gamer UK, having an episode on the February 2005 DVD of the former. They were also part of the selection for the 2005 Machinima Film Festival. Additionally, the creators have also been interviewed by BioWare, the makers of Neverwinter Nights.
In an interview with Hugh Hancock by BioWare, he said, "They're great. We first profiled them on about a year ago, I think. The way they work around their limitations is great - almost exactly the opposite approach to the one we're taking, but that's why they've been able to produce so much more quickly. And I found some of their episodes, the "lost in the woods" one in particular, accidentally-breathe-coffee level funny."
The makers of Neverending Nights were recently approached by ATARI and Obsidian Entertainment to create several machinima pieces to promote the release of Neverwinter Nights 2. With the same cast of voices the promotional series Neverending Daze was developed. The official release notice can be found on the Neverwinter Nights 2 Forum.
Within two weeks of creating an official profile on, Neverending Nights jumped to #4 slot of being the most subscribed Comedy Channel. They currently continue to enjoy an increasing amount of subscribers.
They were also featured on IGN's NWVault website.
Most recently they were published in the book entitled "Machinima For Dummies."
In recent episodes, they included the voice work of Al Lowe and Greg Johnson.