Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies

The Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies or NEREUS is an international non-profit association. It was created in April 2008 and established under Belgian law. Its registered office is in Brussels, Belgium. The objective of NEREUS is to explore the benefits of space technologies for the European Regions and their citizens, and contribute to spread their applications.
NEREUS is financially independent and only funded by the yearly membership fees of its members. There are two possible memberships: Full member and Associate Member.

Full Members

The following European Regions are Full Members of NEREUS:
The following organisations are Associate Members of NEREUS:
The Working Groups were created in March 2009. They include the main fields of cooperation of the NEREUS Political Charter and focus on the applications of several space-related concepts. The following Working Groups exist within NEREUS:
The following projects are currently being carried out by NEREUS:
NEREUS is also involved in some projects being carried out by its partners: