Nelson's woodrat

Nelson's woodrat is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is endemic to Mexico, where it is known only from the eastern slopes of the volcanoes Orizaba and Cofre de Perote. Due to the small geographic range, isolation, and low population, the Nelson's woodrat has a higher risk for extinction. The distribution and population sizes are small. The population exists in geographic isolation, which prevents gene flow


The Nelson's woodrat can only be found on the eastern side of the volcanoes Pico de Orizaba and Cofre de Perote in Mexico. The estimated area for where this species is located is 1,350 km^2. This area includes steep slopes, coffee plantations, and a cloud forest.
Currently the Nelson's woodrat is threatened by agriculture and invasive species. In Mexico, a conversion to agriculture is taking place which is taking away the home of the Nelson's woodrat. Exotic and invasive species pose a threat to the Nelson's woodrat as potential predators.

