Nawab Saheb Kunta

Nawab Saheb Kunta is a district of Hyderabad, India. The neighbourhood is located in a low-lying area of the Old City and has been developed since 1978,fully developed locality with all shops,schools,hospitals etc. The area is prone to waterlogging and flooding, which sometimes leads to problems with the supply of drinking water.As it is a majority Muslim population the municipality does not do much as compared to Ravindra colony which is nearby
Nawab Saheb Kunta is a municipal corporation in Hyderabad district, As it is one of the oldest area of Hyderabad. Most of the people live here are Muslims. It has its own GHMC corporator, Shireen Fatima.
The medical system of Nawab Saheb Kunta is poor. Regularly, people who live there are diagnosed with different diseases which are rare in more well-to-do areas, like dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. web|url=|title=Hyderabad: Another woman succumbs to swine flu; toll touches 3 - ET HealthWorld|||language=en|access-date=2017-03-28