National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program is a National Institute of Standards and Technology program in the USA which provides an unbiased third-party test and evaluation program to accredit laboratories in their respective fields to the ISO 17025 standard. NVLAP is in compliance with ISO 17011.Accredited laboratories
- Dimensional
- Electromagnetics - DC low frequency
- Electromagnetics - RF/microwave
- Ionizing radiation
- Mechanical
- Optical radiation
- Thermodynamic
- Time and frequency
Chemical calibration
- Chemical calibration: providers of proficiency testing
- Chemical calibration: certifiers of spectrophotometric NTRMs
- Ionizing radiation dosimetry
- Asbestos fiber analysis
- Asbestos fiber analysis
Fasteners and metals
- Fasteners and metals program
- Common Criteria Testing Laboratory
thumbnailProduct testing