National Pest Plant Accord

The National Pest Plant Accord is a New Zealand agreement that identifies pest plants that are prohibited from sale and commercial propagation and distribution.
The Accord initially came into effect on 1 October 2001 between regional councils and government departments with biosecurity responsibilities, but in 2006 was revised to include the Nursery and Garden Industry Association as a member of the decision-making body. Under the Accord, regional councils undertake surveillance to ensure the pest plants are not being sold, propagated or distributed.
The Department of Conservation also lists 328 vascular plant species as environmental weeds – species that infest, are controlled on, or are damaging to land under its control.

List of species

The National Pest Plant Accord is periodically updated, which was last done in 2012:
Scientific nameCommon name Common name Common name
Ailanthus altissimatree of heaven
Akebia quinataakebiachocolate vinefive-leaved akebia
Alternanthera philoxeroidesalligator weedpigweed
Anredera cordifoliaMadeira vinemignonette vine-
Araujia hortorummoth plantcruel plantwhite bladder flower
Aristea eckloniiaristeablue iris
Arundo donaxgiant reedarundo grass
Asparagus aethiopicusbushy asparagusemerald featherSprengeri fern, Sprenger's asparagus
Asparagus asparagoidessmilaxbridal creeper
Asparagus plumosusasparagus fern
Asparagus scandensclimbing asparagus
Berberis darwiniiDarwin's barberry
Bomarea multiflorabomareaclimbing alstromeria
Bryonia creticawhite bryony
Calluna vulgaris heatherling
Cardiospermum grandiflorumballoon vine
Cardiospermum halicacabumsmall balloon vine
Carpobrotus edulisice plant
Carex penduladropping sedgeOtahuna sedge
Celastrus orbiculatusclimbing spindle berryOriental bittersweet
Ceratophyllum demersumhornwortcoontail
Cestrum aurantiacumorange cestrum
Cestrum elegansred cestrum
Cestrum fasciculatumred cestrumearly jessamine
Cestrum nocturnumqueen of the night
Cestrum parquigreen cestrum
Chrysanthemoides moniliferaboneseed
Clematis flammulaclematisfragrant virgin's bowerplume clematis
Clematis vitalbaold man's beard
Clerodendrum trichotomumclerodendrum
Cobaea scandenscathedral bells
Cortaderia jubatapurple pampas
Cortaderia selloanapampas
Cotoneaster simonsiiKhasia berry
Cotyledon orbiculata pig's ear
Crassula multicavapitted crassulafairy crassula
Cyathea cooperiAustralian tree fernlacy tree fern
Dipogon lignosusmile-a-minute
Drosera capensisCape sundew
Eccremocarpus scaberChilean glory creeperChilean glory vineglory vine, Chilean glory flower
Egeria densaegeriaoxygen weedBrazilian elodea
Ehrharta villosapyp grass
Eichhornia crassipeswater hyacinth
Eomecon chionanthasnow poppypoppy of the dawnChinese bloodroot
Equisetum horsetail
Eragrostis curvulaAfrican love grass
Erigeron karvinskianusMexican daisy
Euonymus japonicus Japanese spindle tree
Fallopia sachalinensis giant knotweed
Ficus rubiginosaPort Jackson fig
Fuchsia bolivianaBolivian fuchsia
Gunnera tinctoriaChilean rhubarb
Gymnocoronis spilanthoidesSenegal teatemple plantcostata
Hedychium flavescensyellow ginger
Hedychium gardnerianumKahili ginger
Heracleum mantegazzianumgiant hogweedcartwheel flowerwild parsnip, wild rhubarb
Homalanthus populifoliusQueensland poplarbleeding heart treepoplar leaved omalanthus
Houttuynia cordatachameleon plant
Hydrilla verticillatahydrilla
Hydrocleys nymphoideswater poppy
Hypericum androsaemumtutsansweet amber
Ipomoea indicablue morning glory
Iris pseudacorusyellow flagyellow flag iris
Jasminum humileItalian jasmine
Juglans ailantifoliaJapanese walnut
Kennedia rubicundadusky coral peacoral pearunning postman
Lagarosiphon majorlagarosiphonoxygen weed
Lamium galeobdolonaluminium plantartillery plant
Lantana camaralantana
Ligustrum lucidumtree privet
Lilium formosanumFormosa lilytrumpet lilySt. Joseph's lily, Taiwan lily
Lonicera japonicaJapanese honeysuckle
Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensisprimrose willowfloating primrose willowwater primrose
Lythrum salicariapurple loosestrife
Macfadyena unguis-caticat's claw creepercat's claw vinecat's claw ivy, yellow trumpet vine
Maytenus boariaChilean maytenmaytenmaiten
Megathyrsus maximus var. pubiglumisGuinea grassgreen panicbuffalo grass
Menyanthes trifoliatabogbean
Moraea flaccidaCape tulip
Myoporum insulare and hybridsTasmanian ngaioboobialla
Myrica fayafire treecandle berry myrtle
Myricaria germanicafalse tamarisk
Myriophyllum aquaticumparrot's featherthread of lifeBrazilian water milfoil
Nassella nassella
Nephrolepis cordifoliatuber ladder ferntuber sword fern
Nuphar luteayellow water lilyspatterdockcow lily, brandybottle
Nymphaea mexicanaMexican water lilybanana waterlily
Nymphoides geminatamarshwortentire marshwort
Nymphoides peltatafringed water lily
Ochna serrulataMickey Mouse plant
Osmunda regalisroyal fern
Passiflora apetalabat-wing passion flower
Passiflora caeruleablue passion flower
Passiflora tarminiananorthern banana passionfruit
Passiflora tripartita banana passionfruit
Phragmites australisphragmites
Pilosella hawkweed
Pinus contortalodgepole pinecontorta pine
Pistia stratioteswater lettuce
Pithecoctenium crucigerummonkey's combmonkey's hairbrush
Pittosporum undulatumsweet pittosporumVictorian boxAustralian cheesewood
Plectranthus ciliatusplectranthusblue spur flower
Polygala myrtifolia sweet pea shrubsweet pea bushmyrtle leaf milkwort
Polypodium vulgarepolypodycommon polypody
Potamogeton perfoliatusclasped pondweed
Prunus serotinarum cherry
Pyracantha angustifoliafirethornorange firethornyellow firethorn
Reynoutria japonica Asiatic knotweedJapanese knotweedMexican bamboo
Rhamnus alaternusrhamnusevergreen buckthorn
Rhododendron ponticumwild rhododendronpontic rhododendronpontian rhododendron
Sagittaria montevidensisarrowheadsagittariaCalifornian arrowhead
Sagittaria platyphyllasagittariadelta arrowhead
Sagittaria sagittifoliaarrowhead
Salix cinereagrey willowpussy willowgrey sallow
Salix fragiliscrack willow
Salvinia molestasalviniaKariba weed
Schinus terebinthifoliusChristmas berryBrazilian pepper tree
Schoenoplectus californicusCalifornian bulrush
Selaginella kraussianaAfrican club mossselaginella
Solanum marginatumwhite edged nightshade
Solanum mauritianumwoolly nightshadetobacco weedwild tobacco tree
Syzygium smithiimonkey apple
Tradescantia fluminensiswandering Willie
Tropaeolum speciosumChilean flame creeper
Tussilago farfaracoltsfoot
Typha latifoliagreat reedmacecumbungicommon cattail
Utricularia arenariabladderwort
Utricularia gibbabladderworthumped bladderwort
Utricularia lividabladderwort
Utricularia sandersoniibladderwort
Vallisneria australiseelgrass
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess'green goddess
Zizania latifoliaManchurian wild riceManchurian rice grass