National Institute of Social Sciences
The National Institute of Social Sciences is one of the oldest honorary societies in the United States. Established in 1913, NISS promotes the study of the social sciences, supports social science research and discussion, and presents Gold Medals to individuals who have rendered distinguished service to humanity.
NISS is headquartered in New York City, and includes Florida Chapter based in Palm Beach, Florida.
Current activities
Since 1913, NISS has presented Gold Medals that celebrate the accomplishments of distinguished Americans and world leaders who have contributed at the highest level to the welfare and improvement of society. Gold Medal honorees, which include four U.S. presidents and 16 Nobel Prize winners, represent outstanding achievement in the social sciences, law, government, education, philanthropy, the arts, medicine, science, and industry.The organization sponsors annual luncheons in New York City and Palm Beach, Florida, as well as other cultural and social events. It supports a grants program that supports graduate students in the final stages of completing their dissertations and a scholarship program for college students.
Early history
The National Institute of Social Sciences traces its origins to the American Social Science Association, or ASSA, which was established in 1865 in Boston as the American Association for the Promotion of Social Science. The ASSA was chartered by an act of the 56th Congress on January 28, 1899. In 1912, the ASSA created NISS as a separate department. In 1926, when the ASSA dissolved, an act of Congress transferred its congressional charter to the NISS "for the furtherance of the interests of social science."Gold Medals
The NISS original constitution states the organization's goal "to promote the study of Social Science and to reward distinguished services rendered to humanity, either by election to the National Institute, or by the bestowal of medals or other insignia.”In 1913 the NISS bestowed its first Gold Medals in recognition of significant contributions to humanity. The first recipients were William Howard Taft, 27th President of the United States, Archer M. Huntington, founder of the Hispanic Society of America, and Samuel L. Parrish, founder of the Parrish Art Museum in Southampton, NY. Each year since 1913,, the organization has presented Gold Medals to distinguished individuals.
The National Institute's Gold Medal was designed by Laura Gardin Fraser, a noted sculptor with a specialty in medals.
Gold Medal honorees
1913- Archer M. Huntington
- Samuel L. Parrish
- William Howard Taft
- Charles W. Eliot
- George W. Goethals
- Abraham Jacobi
- Henry Fairfield Osborn
- Robert Bacon
- Helen Hartley Jenkins
- Adolph Lewisohn
- George W. Crile
- William Gorgas
- John Purroy Mitchel
- Mihailo Pupin
- Henry P. Davison
- Herbert Hoover
- William J. Mayo
- Charles F. Chandler
- Calvin Coolidge
- Marie Curie
- Cleveland Hoadley Dodge
- Charles B. Davenport
- Auckland Geddes
- Emory R. Johnson
- Jean Jules Jusserand
- John D. Rockefeller
- Mary Williamson Averell
- William Hallock Park
- Elihu Root
- Owen D. Young
- S. Parkes Cadman
- Clarence Mackay
- Stephen Mather
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
- Robert W. DeForest
- Willis R. Whitney
- Valeria Langeloth
- Rose Livingston
- John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
- James T. Shotwell
- Daniel Willard
- Anna Billings Gallup
- George R. Minot
- William Lyon Phelps
- Marcella Sembrich
- Nathan Straus
- Grace Abbott
- Richard Clarke Cabot
- Grace Goodhue Coolidge
- Frank B. Kellogg
- Edward F. Allen
- James Howell Post
- William C. Redfield
- Gerard Swope
- Newton D. Baker
- Clifford W. Beers
- Evangeline Booth
- Eleanor Robson Belmont
- Walter B. Cannon
- Samuel Seabury
- Cornelius N. Bliss
- Harvey Cushing
- Carter Glass
- George E. Vincent
- Nicholas Murray Butler
- Dorothy Harrison Eustis
- William Edwin Hall
- J. Pierpont Morgan
- James Rowland Angell
- Mary Louise Curtis
- J. Edgar Hoover
- Wesley Clair Mitchell
- John W. Davis
- Walter S. Gifford
- Dorothy Thompson
- Carrie Chapman Catt
- James E. West
- Wendell Willkie
- Norman H. Davis
- Florence Jaffray Harriman
- Al Smith
- Anne O'Hare McCormick
- Donald Nelson
- Rufus B. von KleinSmid
- Madame Chiang Kai-shek Soong Mei-ling
- Edwin Grant Conklin
- Mildred H. McAfee
- Juan Terry Trippe
- Bernard Baruch
- Kate Trumbee Henry Pomeroy Davison
- James G. K. McClure
- Virginia Gildersleeve
- Robert Moses
- Edward Stettinius, Jr.
- Edward Johnson
- Katherine Lenroot
- Thomas J. Watson
- Warren R. Austin
- Basil O'Connor
- Lillian Moller Gilbreth
- George Catlett Marshall
- Alfred P. SloanJr.
- Sarah Gibson Blanding
- Henry Bruere
- Carlos P. Romulo
- Lewis W. Douglas
- John Foster Dulles
- Paul G. Hoffman
- Douglas MacArthur
- Bayard Foster Pope
- Helen Keller
- Robert Abercrombie Lovett
- John J. McCloy
- Harold Raymond Medina
- Jonas Salk
- E. Roland Harriman
- Oveta Culp Hobby
- Charles F. Kettering
- Samuel D. Leidesdorf
- Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
- Elisabeth Luce Moore
- Henry Townley Heald
- Mary Pillsbury Lord
- Clarence G. Michalis
- Billy Graham Jr.
- Alfred M. Gruenther
- Clare Booth Luce
- Marian Anderson
- Robert B. Anderson
- Herbert Hoover, Jr.
- James Rhyne Killian Jr.
- Rudolf Bing
- Gilbert Darlington
- Grayson L. Kirk
- Millicent C. McIntosh
- Marie Graves Bullock
- Karl Menninger
- William C. Menninger
- Edward Durell Stone
- Ralph J. Bunche
- Mary I. Bunting
- Lucius D. Clay
- John W. Gardner
- Bob Hope
- Frederick R. Kappel
- Dean Rusk
- Margaret Chase Smith
- Dorothy Buffum Chandler
- James A. Perkins
- Maxwell D. Taylor
- G. Keith Funston
- Lady Bird Johnson
- Danny Kaye
- David Sarnoff
- Eric Sevareid
- Francis Spellman
- David Rockefeller
- John D. Rockefeller III
- Laurance Rockefeller
- Nelson Rockefeller
- Winthrop Rockefeller
- Eugene R. Black Sr.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
- Charles Lindbergh
- Ralph Washington Sockman
- Frank Borman
- Theodore M. Hesburgh
- Lester B. Pearson
- Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth
- Katharine Graham
- Lauris Norstad
- William P. Rogers
- Eric Sevareid
- Joan Ganz Cooney
- Charles Malik
- Arthur K. Watson
- Thomas J. Watson, Jr.
- George H. W. Bush
- Henry Kissinger
- Mary French Rockefeller
- Fulton J. Sheen
- John P. Flynn
- Jean Kerr
- Paul Moore, Jr.
- Elliot L. Richardson
- Peter M. Dawkins
- Golda Meir
- George Shultz
- Roy Wilkins
- Nancy Hanks
- William E. Simon
- Deke Slayton
- Lowell Thomas
- Lowell Thomas, Jr.
- Barry Goldwater
- John J. McCloy
- Norman Vincent Peale
- Peter G. Peterson
- Barbara Walters
- John Young
- Anne Armstrong
- Milton Friedman
- Edwin Leather
- Dina Merrill
- Cliff Robertson
- William Rockefeller
- William B. Walsh
- Henrik Beer
- Arthur F. Burns
- Julia Child
- James R. Dumpson
- Lila Acheson Wallace
- McGeorge Bundy
- C. Douglas Dillon
- Jane Pickens
- Linus Pauling
- Omar Bradley
- Alexander M. Haig
- Henry Richardson Labouisse Jr.
- William McChesney Martin Jr.
- William J. McGill
- Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger
- Brooke Astor
- Walter P. Chrysler Jr.
- Jean MacArthur
- Drew Middleton
- John W. Young
- Vernon Jordon
- Claiborne Pell
- S. Dillon Ripley
- Arthur Ross
- Lewis Thomas
- Philip Habib
- John K. McKinley
- Patricia Neal
- Frank E. Taplin
- Marietta Peabody Tree
- J. Peter Grace
- Kitty Carlisle Hart
- Warren H. Phillips
- James Dewey Watson
- Hugh Bullock
- Vartan Gregorian
- Jeane Kirkpatrick
- Beverly Sills
- Brian E. Urquhart
- I. I. Rabi
- Juanita Kidd Stout
- Eudora Welty
- John Carter Brown
- Rudy Giuliani
- Vernon A. Walters
- Susan H. Whitmore
- Hugh R. K. Barber
- Kathryn Wasserman Davis
- Shelby Cullom Davis
- Angier Biddle Duke
- Moorhead C. Kennedy, Jr.
- Thomas R. Pickering
- Dorothy Sarnoff
- Brendan Gill
- Enid A. Haupt
- Joseph Verner Reed, Jr.
- William vanden Heuvel
- William F. Buckley Jr.
- Roy M. Goodman
- Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
- Richard Boies Stark
- Robin Chandler Duke
- Henry Clay Frick II
- Ellen V. Futter
- August Heckscher II
- Louis Auchincloss
- Kent Barwick
- Mrs. Edward T. Chase
- Daniel Patrick Moynihan
- Peter Flanigan
- Oseola McCarty
- Anne Meyer
- John C. Whitehead
- Madeleine Albright
- Richard Holbrooke
- C. Everett Koop
- James Levine
- Howard Phipps, Jr.
- Anthony Drexel Duke
- Richard G. Lugar
- Helen Coley Nauts
- Bill Richardson
- John T. Casteen III
- Abby M. O'Neill
- Jay Rockefeller
- John Kenneth Galbraith
- Arnold J. Levine
- Paul Samuelson
- Nelson Talbot III Strobe Talbott
- Robert Curvin
- Avery Dulles
- Anna Glen Vietor
- James Wolfensohn
- Kofi Annan
- Peter D. Bell
- Adele Chatfield-Taylor
- Vishakha N. Desai
- Lewis B. Cullman
- Hanna Holborn Gray
- John Sculley
- Kenneth T. Jackson
- Robert MacNeil
- Robert M. Morgenthau
- Doris Kearns Goodwin
- Thomas L. Haskell
- Eric Kandel
- Chuck Close
- Donald Henderson
- James Q. Wilson
- Robert Caro
- Paul Goldberger
- William M. Manger
- John H. Adams
- Wallace Smith Broecker
- Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr.
- Eric Foner
- Philippe Petit
- E.O. Wilson
- John C. Bogle
- Paul Krugman
- Michelle Kwan
- Pauline Newman
- Richard L. Ottinger
- Robert D. Putnam
- Ron Chernow
- Robert J. Shiller
- Michael I. Sovern
- Daniel Kahneman
- Geraldine Kunstadter
- Elizabeth Barlow Rogers
- Paul Farmer
- Peter Gelb
Research support
In the 1970s, the National Institute supported a national project on experiential education. The project was begun in 1974 by Frank Pace, Jr., the NISS president, to strengthen field experiential education and support the NISS's "original mission and function."
Grants and scholarships
In 2011 the Institute began awarding Seed Grants to graduate students completing dissertations in social science fields. In 2016, it was announced the Hirokazu Shirado, then a graduate student at Yale University, would receive the fourth Seed Grant through this program.NISS's Florida Chapter supports a college scholarship program for graduating seniors from the Dreyfoos School of the Arts in Palm Beach.