National Electrification Administration

The National Electrification Administration, is a Philippine Government-Owned and Controlled Corporation attached to the Department of Energy tasked in the full implementation of the Rural Electrification program of the Philippine government and reinforce the technical capability and financial viability of the 121 rural Electric Cooperatives.
Formerly located at the D&E and CDC Buildings, 1050 Quezon Avenue, Barangay Paligsahan, their office is now inside Triangle Park at the National Government Center, Quezon City.

Status of Energization as of January 1, 2020

New Power Connections as of June 30, 2018
FY 2018H1 2018LuzonVisayasMindanao

List of the Electric Cooperatives (ECs) By Region and Province


General Pedro Gallarza Diaz Dumol is considered to be the "Father of Rural Electrification " when approximately 2,700,000 connections had been made from zero when he moved in as chief of the National Electrification Administration until his retirement in 1986.
One of the thrusts of the NEA in current Administrator Masongsong's first 100 days in office was the intensified implementation of the Sitio Electrification Program Phase 2 and the Barangay Line Enhancement Program.


The Electrification Administration was initially created and established through Republic Act 2717 without Executive approval on June 19, 1960 in order to promote and accelerate the agricultural and industrial development of the Philippines. The agency was headed by an Administrator for a term of ten years, and two Deputy Administrators.
The agency maintains a revolving fund consisting of ₱5 million appropriated annually starting fiscal year 1961 until 1965, other fund or assets received from or out of Japanese reparations and loans obtained under the same. Out of this fund, the Administration was authorized and empowered to make loans to local governments, electric consumers cooperative associations and Filipino electric franchise holders for the purpose of financing the construction and operation of generating plants, electric transmission and distribution lines or systems for the furnishing of electric energy, particularly in remote areas.

Reorganization of Electrification Administration and Electric Cooperatives (ECs)

Nine years after the creation of Electrification Administration, a National or State policy of total electrification on an area coverage service basis was declared through Republic Act 6038 approved on July 28, 1969 and signed by then President Ferdinand Marcos, including Presidential Decree No. 40 and Letter of Instruction No. 38, dated November 7, 1972 effectively repealing Republic Act 2717.
The Board of Administrators were introduced in the agency, which shall be composed of a Chairman and four members, one of whom shall be the Administrator as Ex-officio Member of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of NEA.
General Pedro Gallarza Diaz Dumol became the Administrator after being offered the post by then Executive Secretary Alejandro Melchor.
Chapter III of this law also called for the organization, promotion and development of cooperative non-stock, non-profit membership corporations and electric cooperative corporations formed or registered under Republic Act 2023 or the Non-Agricultural Co-operative Act for the distribution of power in the countryside.
Additional appropriations to the revolving fund consisted of ₱20 million annually starting fiscal year 1970 until 1979, proceeds to the share of the National Government in all franchise taxes paid by electric service entities, and continuing funds or physical assets received from or out of Japanese reparations.

NEA Decree and Franchising Powers

On August 6, 1973, the National Electrification Administration through Presidential Decree No. 269 was converted into a corporation, wholly owned and controlled by the Philippine government under the supervision of the Office of the President. Possessed with borrowing authority and corporate powers, the authorized capital stock of NEA was pegged at ₱1 billion divided into ten million shares having a par value of one hundred pesos each. Six years later, Presidential Decree No. 1645 increased the authorized capital stock by ₱4 billion with an additional forty million shares.
Sections 42 and 43, Chapter IV of the NEA decree effectively repealed the power to grant "electric system" franchises from the Municipal, City and Provincial Governments in favor of the NEA. As such, the corporation will also receive from Electric Cooperatives all articles of incorporation, amendments, consolidation, merger, conversion and dissolution, and all certificates of changes in the location of principal offices and of elections to dissolve.
The composition of the Board of Administrators was retained, composed of a Chairman and four members appointed by the President, one of whom shall be the Administrator as Ex-officio Member of the Board with a term of six years. The BOA shall administer, acting as a Commission, all the provisions found on Chapter IV of the NEA decree.

Electric Cooperatives (ECs) between NEA and CDA

The enactment of Republic Act 6939 creating the Cooperative Development Authority as amended by Republic Act 9520 or the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 may have allowed Electric Cooperatives to qualify for certain tax exemptions or pay lower taxes but also raised questions on NEA's jurisdiction over ECs.
Arguments raised as follows:
1) The ECs don't have autonomy and independence and democratic control of member-consumers because NEA appoints the General Manager who may ignore policy decisions of the General Assembly-elected members of the Board of Directors.
2) The transfer of all outstanding obligations of ECs from NEA to PSALM through the EPIRA law extinguished the basis of the regulatory and supervisory powers of NEA, i.e. loans previously extended.

Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA)

9136 or the “Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001” effectively condoned all outstanding financial obligations of Electric Cooperatives to NEA and other government agencies and was assumed by the Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation.
Then President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo also issued Executive Order 119 ordering the reorganization of NEA to bring down the power rates considerably. The reorganization was approved and implemented by the Department of Energy and Department of Budget and Management.

National Electrification Administration Reform Act of 2013 and the Electric Cooperatives (ECs)

When Republic Act 10531 was enacted on February 4, 2013, it declared a threefold National or State policy: First, to empower and strengthen the NEA; Second, to empower and enable Electric Cooperatives to cope with the changes brought about by the EPIRA law; and Third, to promote the sustainable development in the rural areas through rural electrification.
This law may as well be considered as curative statute that is intended to address the impact of a restructured electric power industry under the EPIRA on Electric Cooperatives, which has not been fully addressed by the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008.

From Administration to Authority

In some June 2017 newspaper articles, Administrator Masongsong was quoted as saying there's a move to amend the NEA Charter to allow it to regulate Electric Cooperatives aside from monitoring and supervision, to be unofficially named National Electrification Authority. The policy change seeks to allow NEA to propose policies and legislation to improve the power industry and expand the NEA's mandate to cover other electricity distribution utilities like private investors owned utilities and private distribution utilities.


List of Board of Administrators

''List of NEA Administrators''

List of Deputy Administrators