National Anthem of Manchukuo

The National Anthem of Manchukuo was one of the many national symbols of independence and sovereignty created to foster a sense of legitimacy for Manchukuo in both an effort to secure international diplomatic recognition and to foster a sense of nationalism among its inhabitants.
During Manchukuo's short 13-year existence, two national anthems were used.
The National Anthem of Manchukuo was widely taught in schools and used in ceremonies in Manchukuo.

1932 version

It is unclear when Manchuria began its first national anthem production, but it seems that preparations had already begun around the Manchuria National Declaration on March 1, 1932. On May 21, 1932, the Manchuria Sports Association formally applied to the Organizing Committee of the Olympics to dispatch players to the Los Angeles Olympics. The Organizing Committee urges the Manchuria country to apply to the International Olympic Committee as “participation is approved by the International Olympic Committee ” and informs the Organizing Committee to send the national flag and national anthem I have done it. On the other hand, there is still a record that the Manchuria Sports Association sent a document stating that “the national flag and national anthem were sent to the organizing committee” to the secretary general of the Olympic organizing committee. you can see that the song was completed.
入江克己「近代日本における植民地体育政策の研究(第2報)」(『鳥取大学教育学部研究報告. 教育科学』No.36、1994年 P86~87
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Manchu language

ti pi hsi tien kai
sung ohih ai hsi pai chih wei
wo shan ta i hsi sheng yu tsu wu
wo hsing po ai hsi huai yu chiu kai
shang shou kuo hsi i jen
pu shan shou hsi i ping
tien pu ai tao ti pu ai pao
ho wu chi chi yu ti hsi hsien chu tsan hao
shu fei heng muchih min hsi shin tzu hug tsao
Manchu language

1933 version

The first national anthem was declared by State Council Decree No.4, dated 24 February Dàtóng 2 but publicized on March 1. The lyrics were written by Manchukuo's first Prime Minister Zheng Xiaoxu, who was a devout Confucianist and Qing loyalist in addition to being an accomplished poet and calligrapher.

1942 version

The national anthem was changed on 5 September Kāngdé 9, by State Council Order No. 201. Prime Minister of Manchukuo Zhang Jinghui cited the 1933 version of the anthem was unsuitable for the current situations of the Empire as the reason for the change. The new anthem, with Manchurian and Japanese lyrics, was written by a committee, according to Zhang. The 1933 anthem was renamed the Manchukuo Independence Song.


Official Interpretation

According to the official interpretation of the anthem issued on the same day of its adoption, the "God" in the first line refers to Amaterasu, the sun goddess in Shinto, referring to Manchukuo's adoption of State Shinto as its state religion in 1940. Also, God's Light is interpreted as Arahitogami, i.e. Emperor of Japan. The whole of the first line is interpreted as
"The Divine Work" in the fourth line came from Kangde's Imperial Rescript on the Tenth Anniversary of the Nation on 1 March 1942, in which he mentioned,
and hence interpreted as: