
Nakayale, also known as Nakayale Keengulu is a village in northern Namibia near Outapi in Omusati Region situated 86km northwest of Oshakati and 4km from Outapi. It is in Anamulenge Constituency. The village normally receives an annual average rainfall of, although in the 2010/2011 rainy season were measured.
Nakayale was founded in 1925 as a mission station of the Finnish Missionary Society.
Nakayale is one of the well known villages in Namibia with two schools, Nakayale Primary School and Erki Tauya Junior Secondary School. There is a main branch of ELCIN church of all northern ELCIN churches which was named after the village itself and a center for disabled people. The language spoken there is Oshiwambo Oshimbalantu in specific and a few speak English. Nakayale is one of the hottest places in northern Namibia with temperatures ranging between 26 and 30 degrees Celsius. In this village you can also find some houses of well known businessmen like the late David Sheehama, Mauno Haindongo, and many more. There is also big shop owned by Chester called The Village Bar where people from there buy their basic needs. Villages around Nakayale are Okapanda, Onamulunga, Omukoko, Okaile, and many others. There are also some small locations like Oshambomba City, Ondjamba Nevu, Okalonda, and Okakwa. Blue Birds FC, a well known soccer team from Omusati region, is also from Nakayale.