Nabarlek Uranium Mine

The Nabarlek Mine is a uranium mine in the Northern Territory of Australia which was productively worked only in 1979. The deposit sits within the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field approximately northeast of Jabiru. It was discovered by Queensland Mines Limited in 1970 by following up an intense airborne radiometric :wikt:anomaly|anomaly.


The deposit was delineated by diamond drilling in 1970 and 1971. Open cut mining took place between June and October 1979 with the ore stockpiled for milling. 546,437 t of ore were mined at an average grade of 1.84% U3O8. The mill commenced operation in June 1980 and ran until 1988, during which time 11,084 t U3O8 were produced. A survey in 2006 concluded that revegetation had failed. Rehabilitation work is continuing.