Naïve Records

Naïve Records is a French independent record label based in Paris, specializing in electronic music, pop music, jazz and classical music.

Founding and expansion

It was founded in 1997 by Patrick Zelnik, former CEO of Virgin France, Gilles Paires and Eric Tong Cuong.
Following finance house Édouard Stern taking a 10% stake in Naïve, Naïve acquired various other record labels, including among classical labels Auvidis, Yolanta Skura's Opus 111 and Nicolas Bartholomée's Ambroisie.

Acquisition by Believe

The label got into difficulties after 2010 and, after having operations suspended, was acquired by Denis Ladegaillerie's digital download platform Believe Digital in August 2016. After a long hiatus the label began issuing CDs again with new releases in the Naive Vivaldi Edition.
