Myanmar Peace Centre

The Myanmar Peace Centre is an organization to provide technical support to the peacemaking process in Myanmar, including implementing and managing ceasefire agreements and facilitating dialogue on political issues.
The centre is on U Wisara Road in Yangon and was established with the support of the Peace Donor Support Group, comprising Norway, the European Union, Japan and United Nations agencies.

Vision and mission

It coordinates peace initiatives and acts as a service centre for donor governments and international non-governmental organisations that want to support the peace process. In addition, it will serve as a platform for government officials, members of ethnic militia groups, civil society organisations, international donors and international non-governmental organisations to meet and negotiate.
The Myanmar Peace centre coordinates government activities in five key areas:
  1. Ceasefire negotiations and implementation
  2. Peace negotiations and political dialogue
  3. Coordination of assistance in conflict affected areas
  4. Outreach and public diplomacy
  5. Mine Actions


According to Bertil Lintner, MPC lacks capacity in promoting the peace process and is like an organisation which is being paid for doing nothing.