The film is a series of vignettes following the daily lives of the Yamada family: Takashi and Matsuko, Shige, Noboru, Nonoko, and Pochi. Each of the vignettes is preceded by a title such as "Father as Role Model", "A Family Torn Apart" or "Patriarchal Supremacy Restored". These vignettes cover such issues as losing a child in a department store, the relationships between father and son, or husband and wife, the wisdom of age, getting one's first girlfriend and many more. Each is presented with humour, presenting a very believable picture of family life which crosses cultural boundaries. The relationships between Matsuko, Takashi and Shige are particularly well observed, with Shige giving advice and proverbs to all the family members, and having a great strength of character. Takashi and Matsuko's relationship is often the focus of the episodes, their rivalries, such as arguing about who has control of the television, their frustrations and their difficulties, but the overriding theme is their love for one another despite their flaws, and their desire to be the best parents possible for their children.
Based on the yonkoma mangaNono-chan by Hisaichi Ishii, it is the first completely digital Studio Ghibli film. Takahata wanted Yamada-kun to have the art style of watercolor pictures rather than cel pictures. To achieve that, the traditional paint-on-cel techniques were replaced with digital technology, making Yamada-kun the first Ghibli film to have animation drawings painted entirely on computers.
The soundtrack was composed by Akiko Yano and it is characterised by very short piano themes. Classical pieces played by Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra conducted by Mario Klemens. Released by Tokuma on 1 July 1999. ;CD 1
"Theme I: And So It Begins" 1:45
"Joyous Music I: Going Forward with Reckless Abandon" 0:26
"Cuckoo I: Not Like the Main Title" 0:28
"Extract from Chopin's "Nocturne No. 1 in B Flat Minor", Op. 9" 4:13
"The Masked Moonbeam Theme Song, "Who is the Masked Moonbeam?" 3:24
"Broken Dreams" 0:24
"Mozart's "Toy's Symphony", Movement No. 2" 2:27
"Que Sera, Sera " 3:20
"Quit Being Alone" 3:55
On review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, My Neighbors the Yamadas has an approval rating of 78% based on 8 reviews and an average rating of 7.1/10, with no critical consensus. Despite the positive reviews, the film did not fare as well at the box office in Japan as other Ghibli films had done.
Home media
My Neighbors the Yamadas was released on DVD in America in August 2005, alongside another Takahata film, Pom Poko by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment. A Blu-ray version was released in Japan in 2010, and in the UK the following year. The US never got a Blu-ray release by Disney, but GKIDS released the film on Blu-ray for the first time in the US, as well as re-issuing the DVD under a new deal with Studio Ghibli on 16 January 2018.
My Neighbors the Yamadas received an Excellence Award for animation at the 1999 Japan Media Arts Festival.