
Mwadingusha is a community in the Kambove Territory of Haut Katanga District in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


The Cornet Falls on the Lufira River had a drop of at Mwadingusha.
The river was dammed at the falls in 1925 with an dyke to form Lake Tshangalele, a reservoir for a hydroelectric generator supplying power for copper smelting in Likasi.
The newly formed Société Générale des Forces Hydro-électriques du Katanga undertook construction over a four-year period, with most of the work done by large crews of laborers.
The Emil Francqui power station was built to harness the power.
It had six turbo-generators, five active at any time, and a generating capacity of 60,000 kilowatts.


The dyke was raised in 1934, 1938 and again in 1947 to a final height of.
The resultant shallow lake has an area of over and supports up to 2,000 fishermen.