The Mutisioideae are a subfamily in the plant family Asteraceae that includes about 630 species assigned to 44 different genera. This subfamily is mainly native in South America, except for Adenocaulon, Chaptalia, Gerbera, Trichocline, which have species in all continents other than Europe and Antarctica. Common characters are the deeply incised corollas of the disc florets, with five
lobes, sometimes merged in two lips, flower heads with overlapping involucral bracts, anthers with tails and pointy tips, the styles usually stick far out of the florets and are essentially hairless. Most species are herbs, but some are vines, shrubs, or small trees.Taxonomy
The subfamily Mutisioideae consists of three tribes:
;Tribe Mutisieae
- Adenocaulon Hook.
- Brachyclados Gillies ex D.Don
- Chaetanthera Ruiz & Pav.
- Chaptalia Vent.
- Eriachaenium Sch.Bip
- Gerbera L.
- Leibnitzia Cass.
- Lulia Zardini
- Mutisia L.f.
- Pachylaena D.Don ex Hook.
- Perdicium L.
- Trichocline Cass.
- Uechtritzia Freyn
;Tribe Onoserideae
- Aphyllocladus Wedd.
- Gypothamnium Phil.
- Lycoseris Cass.
- Onoseris Willd.
- Plazia Ruiz & Pav
- Paquirea Panero, J. & S. E. Freire.
- Urmenetea Phil.
;Tribe Nassauvieae
- Acourtia D.Don
- Ameghinoa Speg.
- Berylsimpsonia B. L. Turner
- Burkartia Crisci
- Calopappus Meyen
- Calorezia Panero
- Cephalopappus Nees & Mart.
- Criscia Katinas
- Dolichlasium Lag.
- Holocheilus Cass.
- Jungia L. f.
- Leucheria Lag.
- Leunisia Phil.
- Lophopappus Rusby
- Macrachaenium Hook f.
- Marticorenia Crisci
- Moscharia Ruiz & Pav.
- Nassauvia Comm. ex Juss.
- Oxyphyllum Phil.
- Panphalea Lag.
- Perezia Lag.
- Pleocarphus D.Don:
- Polyachyrus Lag.
- Proustia Lag.
- Triptilion Ruiz & Pav.
- Trixis P.Br.
Some species