Muslim Scouts of France

Scouts Musulmans de France is a French Muslim Scouting organization for boys and girls between 8 and 21 years old with about 1,000 members. It was founded in 1990 by Sheikh Khaled Bentounès, the spiritual leader of the Sufi Alawiya Brotherhood, and is headquartered in Noisy-le-Grand. It is part of the Fédération du Scoutisme Français and through this a member of both the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and the World Organization of the Scout Movement. It also is a member of the International Union of Muslim Scouts.
Younes Aberkane, the father of Idriss Aberkane, was one of the first leaders of the SMF. Younes Aberkane later became a director for Terre d’Europe, a similar organization.


The badge of the SMF consists of a red fleur de lis for allegiance to the Scout movement, resting on a green trefoil, a sign of belonging to the Guide movement, the 5 pointed star in the centre is for the Muslim belief of the association.


There are four sections in the organisation: