Muslim Safety Forum

The Muslim Safety Forum is a British-based organization set up to challenge the "unfair focus on the Muslim community when it came to policing activities and enforcement of anti-terror policing legislation". It was founded by leading mosques and Islamic centers in London after 9/11 when anti-Muslim crimes and Islamophobia increased by over 600% in the UK. It was run by the Muslim community with the help of the Scotland Yard Diversity Directorate.
After the 7/7 terrorist incident in London there was a further escalation in Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate crimes in the UK. MSF re-organised itself into a charitable organisation and became one of the leading Muslim organisations engaging with police, governmental bodies and grass root communities to address the issues related to policing, the impact of anti-terror legislation and Islamophobic hate crimes in the UK.
In December 2006, MSF signed an agreement with Sir Ian Blair, then Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, which stated: "The Commissioner will recognise the MSF as the principal body in relation to Muslim community safety and security." By this agreement, Sir Ian or his deputy is to meet the MSF at least twice a year and hold monthly meetings at "New Scotland Yard or other suitable premises". Met chiefs, including counter-terrorist commanders, were to attend the MSF's own meetings "whenever possible”. The Met were to "use the MSF as a consultation body to help formulate policy or practice" and "progress an annual plan of work through agreed priority workstreams,". These workstreams included counter-terrorism and "Islamophobia." Similarly in 2008 MSF signed a protocol of understanding with the Chief Constable Ian Johnston of British Transport Police.