Museum of Radio and Technology

The Museum of Radio and Technology, located near the western end of Ritter Park in Huntington, West Virginia, gives you a personal hands-on education in the birth and growth of electronic communication and entertainment. Admission is free: donations are gratefully accepted. It is the only museum of its type within the state, and one of very few in the nation. Plan on at least an hour, preferably 90 minutes to see everything. Operating hours are limited but special tours may be arranged in advance.

Areas of Interest

The Museum is located at 1640 Florence Avenue in the Harveytown area of Huntington, West Virginia. It is one of the largest of its kind in the eastern United States, with over 10,000 square feet of space.

West Virginia Broadcasting Hall of Fame

One major section of the Museum of Radio and Technology is dedicated to the West Virginia Broadcasting Hall of Fame. West Virginia boasts a large number of persons who were instrumental in the initial days of broadcasting history. Pictures, a story book, and a wall of names provide an interesting area of the West Virginia Radio and Technology Museum for visitors.