Museum of Contemporary Art of Alcamo

The Museum of contemporary art of Alcamo is located in Piazza Ciullo in Alcamo, inside the Ex Collegio dei Gesuiti, near the majestic Church of Jesus. The exhibition centre, large about 400 square metres, is on the first floor; at the entrance there are an information desk, a meeting room and a bookshop.


The museum was created in 2014 thanks to the municipal administration led by the Lord Mayor of that period, Dr. Sebastiano Bonventre M.D. In the following October they realized the ambitious project Creative Lab, an integrated system of cultural services aiming at the requalification of the urban space and supporting the development of the territory; the municipality of Alcamo, the University of Palermo and the cooperatives Agrigest and Nido d’Argento.
On 28 February 2015, there was the exhibition entitled Art on loan, whose protagonists were Cielo d'Alcamo, Giacomo Serpotta and embroidery; the exposition, attended by the artistic director Enzo Fiammetta, has filled the new museum with works from important museums, such as the Foundation Orestiadi di Gibellina, and from other Italian regions.
On 30 May 2015, the new museum presented the exhibition Ottocelle : the title took inspiration from the same configuration of the rooms which were the cells of the ex convent of Jesuits. There were the works of four Italian artists, the winners of the competition launched by the municipality of Alcamo, whose aim was the promotion of its territory through the production of works site specific that today belong to the patrimony of the museum.
In October 2016 they created a new arrangement of the museum that has also taken part in the XII Edition of the Contemporary's Day called by AMACI.

Exhibition halls

The museum is divided into various sections: the archaeological funds discovered on Mount Bonifato and in the Castle of Calatubo, the paintings of Turi Simeti, Vito Bongiorno Gisella Giovenco and Sergio Zavattieri, going right down to the plaster casts of Nicola Rubino, and works of other authors.

East wing

There are these 8 exhibition halls:
Along the corridor there are the following works:
There are these eight exhibition halls:
Here is the list of Nicola Rubino’s works in exhibition:
  1. Egyptian bather
  2. Woman with a dove, realized in bronze
  3. Mater Ecclesiae: made in bronze for the nunnery located in Via Vitellia in Rome
  4. Bas-relief, openwork
  5. Woman combing herself
  6. Girl combing herself
  7. Victor Emmanuel III’s head, made in bronze for the Gallery Umberto I in Rome
  8. Bandaged goddess
  9. Man bent over the dog
  10. Woman holding a lamb on her arms
  11. Couple of horses, realized in terracotta for the municipality of Venice
  12. Woman combing herself
  13. Woman with a child on her shoulders
  14. Stele
  15. High relief, openwork
  16. High relief, openwork
  17. Mother with a child on her shoulders, realized in bronze
  18. Bas-relief, with scenes of rural life
  19. Justice, a bronze, realized for the courthouse of Bologna
  20. Woman’s head
  21. Woman combing herself
  22. Sculpted group with a winged horse
  23. Bas-relief, openwork
  24. Bas-relief
  25. Woman’s face
The museum is open every day from 9:30 to 12:30 and from 16:30 to 19:30.