Mubarak Rabi

Mubarak Rabi is a Moroccan novelist and short-story writer, born in 1938, in Ben Maachou, near Casablanca. He was the dean of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities Ben M'Sik in Casablanca for several years. Rabi's novels give an unexpected insight in the social realities of urban and rural life of Morocco and in the role of magic and traditional beliefs.
Mubarak Rabi wrote several collections of short stories:Sayyidna Qadr, Dar wa Dukhkhan and Rih'alat Al-H'asad wa Al-H'ubb,. Some of his novels are: Attayyibun,, Rufqata Assilah'i wa Lqamar and Arrih' Ashshatwiyya. It is especially with his later books that he won a great public acclaim. These books are: the novel Badr Zamanihi, Burju Assua'ud, the trilogy Derb Sultan, the collection of short stories, al-Balluri al-maksur, the short story collection Min Gharb lichark and the novels Ayam jabilia and Ahl al-Bayad. Rabi also wrote more than twelve children's books.
Rabi studied and taught psychology. He published a collection of essays about children's psychology called Awatif al-Tifl.

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