Mozart family

The Mozart family are the ancestors, relatives, and descendants of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The earliest documents mentioning the name "Mozart", then spelled "Motzhart" or "Motzhardt", are from the Bavarian part of Swabia.

Mozart family

  1. David Motzhardt, farmer in Pfersee, today a suburb of Augsburg
  2. # , bricklayer and master builder in Augsburg; built the tower of the church in Dillingen an der Donau; married Maria Negele
  3. ## Daniel Mozart
  4. ## , bricklayer and master builder, guild master, built the provost's church St Georg in Augsburg, collaborated at the Fugger residence
  5. ## Franz Mozart, master builder
  6. ### Johann Georg Mozart, bookbinder in Augsburg, married Anna Maria Banegger, no children; Anna Maria Sulzer, 8 children including:
  7. #### Leopold Mozart, composer, married Anna Maria Pertl
  8. ##### Johann Leopold Joachim Mozart
  9. ##### Maria Anna Cordula
  10. ##### Maria Anna Nepomucena Walpurgis
  11. ##### Maria Anna Mozart, married Johann Baptist Franz von Berchtold zu Sonnenburg
  12. ###### Leopold Alois Pantaleon von Berchtold zu Sonnenburg, married Josephine Fuggs
  13. ####### Henriette Berchtold Sonnenburg, married Franz Forschter
  14. ######## Gustav Forschter
  15. ######## Bertha Forschter
  16. ####### Cäsar August Ernst von Bechtold zu Sonnenburg
  17. ###### Jeanette von Berchtold zu Sonnenburg
  18. ###### Maria Babette von Berchtold zu Sonnenburg
  19. ##### Johann Karl Amadeus
  20. ##### Maria Crescentia Francisca de Paula
  21. ##### Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer, married Constanze Weber
  22. ###### Raimund Leopold Mozart
  23. ###### Karl Thomas Mozart, official in the service of the Viceroy of Naples in Milan; unmarried and no children
  24. ###### Johann Thomas Leopold Mozart
  25. ###### Theresia Constantia Adelhaid Friederica Marianna Mozart
  26. ###### Anna Maria Mozart
  27. ###### Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, composer and teacher; unmarried and no children
  28. #### Franz Alois Mozart, bookbinder in Augsburg, married Maria Victoria Eschenbach
  29. ##### Maria Anna Thekla Mozart
  30. ###### Maria Josepha Berbier, married Franz Joseph Streitel
  31. ####### Carl Joseph Streitel, died in infancy
  32. #### Five further sons, two daughters
  33. ## David Mozart, a Conventual Franciscan
  34. ## Johann Michael Mozart, sculptor
  35. ## Four daughters

    Weber family

The Weber family became connected with the Mozart family through the marriage of Wolfgang Amadeus to Constanze. The family were from Zell im Wiesental, Germany and included:
  1. Fridolin Weber, married Maria Eva Schlar
  2. # Franz Fridolin Weber, married Cäcilia Cordula Stamm
  3. ## Josepha Weber, soprano, married Franz de Paula Hofer Sebastian Mayer
  4. ## Aloysia Weber, soprano, married Joseph Lange
  5. ## Constanze Weber, married Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Georg Nikolaus von Nissen
  6. ### six children by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as above
  7. ## Sophie Weber, singer, married Jakob Haibel
  8. # Franz Anton Weber
  9. ##Carl Maria von Weber, composer


Leopold Mozart, his wife and children
Wolfgang Mozart's wife and children