Mountain pygmy owl

The mountain pygmy owl is a small owl from Central America. It is considered a distinct species by some authorities, including the International Ornithologists' Union. Others, including the American Ornithological Society, consider to be a subspecies of northern pygmy owl. If considered conspecific, the scientific name G. gnoma is usurped by the northern pygmy owl. The Northern Mountain Pygmy Owls’ habitats range from coniferous forests to deciduous bottomlands, and despite its large geographic distribution, “it is one of the least studied owls on the continent”. Its diet consists of small birds and mammals, and it has a reputation of being a fierce hunter. This species of owl will nest in natural cavities and in ones created by woodpeckers. In a study conducting research on Northern Mountain Pygmy Owls preferred habitats in the Rocky Mountains, it was discovered to prefer large diverse forests with trees near a stream because it offered protection from predators and camouflage for ambush attacks.