Mount Saint Catherine (Grenada)

Mount Saint Catherine is an extensively weathered stratovolcano and the highest mountain on the Caribbean island of Grenada. Its summit in St. Mark's, Victoria is one of the highlights of the Mount St. Catherine Forest Reserve.
The Mt. St. Catherine massif is the youngest of the five volcanoes on the island. The volcano has a ~1.5-km horseshoe-shaped crater open to the east, where a complex of volcanic lava domes occur across its flanks and is monitored by the Seismic Research Center of the University of the West Indies. The volcano is considered dormant because it has likely not erupted since the last Ice Age. It is considered to be the only live volcano among the five volcanic centers in Grenada on account of its relatively well preserved morphology and the presence of hot springs and fumaroles on its flanks. Although violent eruptions occurred in the geological past, revealed by voluminous pyroclastic-flow deposits extending northwest of the summit, this type of volcanic activity is now considered unlikely to occur in the near future.
The mountain summit is accessible by 3 steep rugged routes crossing the forest reserve. Tours are available, as well as guided trips to Tufton Hall Waterfall, the highest waterfalls on the island, off the southeastern flank of the mountain.