Mouhoun Province

Mouhoun is one of the 45 provinces of Burkina Faso and is in Boucle du Mouhoun Region. The capital of Mouhoun is Dédougou.


In 2011 the province had 210 primary schools and 34 secondary schools.


In 2011 the province had 27 health and social promotion centers, 7 doctors and 151 nurses.


Most people in the province live in rural areas; 260,295 Burkinabé live in the countryside with only 37,793 people residing in urban areas. There are 148,732 men living in Mouhoun Province and 149,356 women.


Mouhoun is divided into 7 departments:
Bondokuy DepartmentBondokuy51,174
Dédougou DepartmentDédougou86,324
Douroula DepartmentDouroula12,806
Kona DepartmentKona19,585
Ouarkoye DepartmentOuarkoye38,938
Safané DepartmentSafané49,383
Tchériba DepartmentTchériba39,778