Mota Zinzuda

Mota Zinzuda is a village near Savar Kundla, Amreli District, India. It is 6 km away from Savar Kundla and Kundla is 30 km away from Amreli. So Mota Zinzuda is 37 km away from district. The village's bus stoppage gets enough crowd every time and villagers use to sit there.
There is one temple on the mountain called "khodiyar ma ni dhar". It is famous to several nearby villages. There is a PHC hospital center in Mota Zinzuda that provides care for residents in 17 nearby villages. The hospital is near the bapa sitaram mandap service.
Nana Zinzuda is only 1 km away from Mota Zinzuda. After a few years, both villages will merge and may be called Zinzuda. The two areas of the newly combined village will be called Mota and Nana. Mota Zinzuda has a Shiv Temple, "NILKANTH MAHADEV," near the river and bus station. Bhadeshwar mahadev. Nana Zinzuda-some temple:Kanteswar Mahadev,Rameswar Mahadev,Ramji Mandir,Gadadhari Mahavir Hanumanji Mandir,sbi branch,Indian gas agency post office.


Savar Kundla is situated on the southern Saurashtra plateau. It has a hilly terrain. The ground water table is very low. The water contains high level of TDS counts, along with excess levels of sodium and phosphates. Water extracted from the bore-wells has been found to be very hot.


Mota Zinzuda has a Government school and Aangal Wadi. Some students go Savar Kundla, and pithavdi, Vanda and Amreli for further study.
Bhadeshwar ashram free school &hostel