Morkai is a tribe that lives around the Tabibuga Station of Jimi District. The tribe is subdivided into the smaller clans: Kimbaka, Keska, Galeboka, Maika, Nipka and Parka. The Tabibuga Station stands on Galemboka's and Kimbaka's land mass.
The Morkai tribe speaks the Narak language. There is no intermarriage between the Kimbaka - Keska and Galemboka, but there is marriage between the rest of the clans. The normal livelihood of Morkai is subsistence agriculture. Their main staple food is kaukau, with other seasonal food such as taro, yams and cassavas. Mareta is a popular cash crop and is also mainly used for exchanges and bride price gifts.
Pigs are a wide form of livestock wealth. Pigs are also traded for cash or used in exchange for compensation payments and bride price payments. Also pigs are slaughtered for ceremonial activities.