
The Moondancers are a fictional DC Comics team of radical pacifist terrorists. They first appeared in World's Finest Comics #295, and were created by David A Kraft, L.B. Kellog and Jerome K. Moore.

Publication history

The Moondancers are radical pacifist terrorists who go about sabotaging military satellites and weapons installations in a misguided attempt to end all wars. Batman was brought in to investigate the scene of one of their assaults. The next time the Moondancers attempt to prevent the launch of a military communications satellite, Batman attempts to stop them and is nearly killed, causing Superman to be summoned.
During a clash with Superman and Batman, the mysterious benefactor of the Moondancers is revealed to be a Japanese scientist named Nakamura, a survivor of Hiroshima who was unhinged by the event. Nakamura is badly wounded after a failed attempt to destroy the satellite himself.
According to the Moondancers they only employ violence in order to bring about world peace, a credo they share with Wonder Woman. Batman and Superman let the trio go, because as Batman says "We can't condone their methods.. but we can't condemn them for their goals...".
The Moondancers were last seen in Animal Man #25.
