Monte Tanarello

Monte Tanarello or Mont Tanarel is a 2094 metres high mountain located on the French-Italian border.


Tanarello is the diminutive form of Tanaro, the main right-hand tributary of river Po. The river rises between Monte Saccarello and Monte Tanarello as a stream named Tanarello and becomes Tanaro after receiving the waters of another stream called Negrone.


The mountain up to World War II was totally belonging to Italy but, following the Paris Peace Treaties, signed on February 1947, is now shared between Italy and France.


The mountain stands on the main chain of the Alps between Passo Tanarello and Passo Basera. Its Italian side belongs to the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont, and the French one to Alpes-Maritimes, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

SOIUSA classification

According to the SOIUSA the mountain can be classified in the following way:
The eastern side of the mountain is gentle and grassy while the western one is a little more rocky and steep.

Access to the summit

The mountain is easily accessible by unmarked traks departing from Passo Tanarello or Passo Basera. The summit can also be accessed by mountain bike or with snowshoes.

Mountain huts