Monte Monega

Monte Monega is a mountain of the Ligurian Alps, in Italy.


The mountain belongs to the province of Imperia, in Liguria. In the SOIUSA it belongs to the Nodo del Monte Saccarello group and Costiera Monega-Carmo di Brocchi subgroup. Monte Monega is the tripoint where the valleys of Argentina, Giara di Rezzo and Arroscia meet. Also the territories of three comuni meet on the top of the mountain, which is marked by a Summit cross.


The slopes of Monte Monega were deforested during past centuries in order to increase pasture land. The highest part of the mountain is still used as a grazing area for local cattle, and maintains a good amount of biodiversity.

Access to the summit

The summit of Monte Monega can be easily reached on foot starting from Colle del Garezzo or from Passo della Teglia. The mountain in winter is a well known snowshoes hike.


The eastern side of the mountain since 2007 is included in the Parco naturale regionale delle Alpi Liguri.
