Monika Dettwiler

Monika Dettwiler is a Swiss-Italian journalist and author.


Monika Dettwiler was born in Zürich. She has a doctorate in history and studied history, art history and archeology in Rome, where she initially worked as a journalist and organizer of cultural tours. Her first novel, "Berner Lauffeuer", was published in 1998 and was on the bestseller list of the "Schweizer Buchhändler- und Verleger-Verband" for five months. In 1999, Monika Dettwiler returned to Switzerland. She worked as a journalist at the "Reformierte Presse" from the year 2000 and was co-editor-in-chief from 2007 until her retirement in 2013.
She lives in Kanton Zürich
and has two sons.

