Mohammed Ezzuddin

Syedna Mohammed Ezzuddin Bin Sayedi Jivanjee was the 44th Da'i of Dawoodi Bohra. He succeeded the 43rd Da'i, Moulana Abdeali Saifuddin, to the religious post at the age of 29. He was born in 1788.
His father's name was Syedi Jivanjee bin Shaikh Dawood bhai while his mother's name was Buji baisaheba binte Mulla Ahmed-ji. He was the brother of the next Da'i Syedna Tayyeb Zainuddin. Buji baisaheba's father was the grandson of Syedi Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin while her mother Aamena baisaheba was the great-grand-daughter of Syedi Hasanji Badshah, a descendant of Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed.
Syedna Mohammed Ezzuddin became Da'i al-Mutlaq in 1232 AH/1817 AD. His period of Dawat was 1232–1236 AH/1817–1821 AD.
Syedna Mohammed Ezzuddin suffered from acute abdominal pain which had a debilitating effect. He died at the age of 48.