
Modak is an Indian sweet popular in states of Maharashtra, Goa and in the regions of Konkan in India. The sweet filling on the inside of a modak consists of freshly grated coconut and jaggery while the outer soft shell is made from rice flour or wheat flour mixed with khava or maida flour. It is used for Ganesha during prayers.
Modak can be fried or steamed. The steamed version is often eaten hot with ghee.

Name variations

It is called modak in Marathi, Konkani and in Gujarati languages, modhaka in Kannada, modhakam or kozhakkattai in Tamil and kudumu in Telugu.

Religious significance

Modak is considered to be the favourite sweet of the Hindu deity, Ganesha. It begets him the moniker modakapriya in Sanskrit.
During Ganesh Chaturthi, the puja usually concludes with an offering of 21 modaks to Ganesha as prasadam. Modaks made with rice flour shells are often preferred for this purpose, although wheat shell versions are also used. Local businesses outside Ganesh Temples across India usually sell pre-packed/readymade versions of Modaks.
In Japan, a sweet similar to modak and known locally as Kangidan, is offered to god Kangiten, the Japanese version of Lord Ganesha. Kangidans are made from curds, honey, and red bean paste. They are wrapped in kneaded dough made from parched flour and shaped like a bun before they are deep fried.

