Mobile software content rating system

A mobile software content rating system is a rating system which is tailored to users of mobile software.

Existing systems

iOS and iPadOS App Store

Apple's rating system for the App Store follows the following rubric:
Apps rated 17+ are prohibited from purchase by younger users.

Google Play

Up until March 17, 2015 Google Play used the following rubric:
Google now uses the International Age Rating Coalition in most countries not represented by a rating authority, whilst countries or regions with a superimposed video game rating authority continues applying their own ratings where applicable. However, a new Google Play Rating system is used exclusively for non-gaming apps in South Korea. These ratings include:
In Australia, gaming apps are classified under the ACB system, whilst IARC applies its own ratings for non-gaming apps.

CTIA Mobile Application Rating System

The CTIA The Wireless Association, an industry trade group, collaborated with the ESRB to largely apply ESRB's rating system to mobile devices. It was launched in 2011, with Apple and Google being notable abstentions from subscribing companies.

Amazon Appstore

On the Amazon Appstore, "All Ages" is for all ages. "Guidance Suggested" is for recommendation that parents should give guidance to pre-teens/children. "Mature" is recommended to be suitable for mature audiences. Adult is "advertisements, graphic violence, nudity or other content only suitable for adult audiences".

Blackberry World

The Blackberry appstore as the following ratings:
Explanations of specific ratings are available in corresponding articles.