Mister Brau

Mister Brau is a Brazilian musical comedy television series created by Jorge Furtado that originally aired from 22 September 2015 to 12 June 2018, on Rede Globo. The series aired over four seasons with a total of 54 episodes and 3 specials. The series centers on the two leads: Lázaro Ramos and Taís Araújo.


The plot revolves around a popular singer, Mr. Brau and his wife Michele, a businesswoman and his choreographer. Michelle alludes to the fact that, "behind a great man has a great woman".
Mister Brau and Michele also value what is priceless: friendship. He remains faithful to Lima, his partner and adviser since the beginning of his career, and Michele relies on Gomes, her advisor, butler and personal advisor.
