Mission Control Space Services

Mission Control Space Services is a Canadian space technology company located in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
The company was founded in 2015, and has since operated out of the Carleton Led Accelerator at Carleton University. Primarily, Mission Control Space Services focuses on technology development, industry consulting, and education and outreach projects.


In 2015, the company won its first contract with the Canadian Space Agency to develop ASAS: the Autonomous Soil Assessment System.
ASAS eventually will be used to detect unknown hazards such as soft soil that could immobilize a planetary rover. Operating in real time, the technology aims to increase the navigation autonomy of rovers in challenging terrain and improve their speed. The contract, valued at $469,925, was awarded on November 8, 2015, under the Space Technologies Development Program from the CSA. ASAS is being developed in collaboration with key partners both from academia and industry, including Concordia’s Institute of Aerospace Design and Innovation, Dr. Krzysztof Skonieczny; Dr. Karl Iagnemma; and two Canadian companies, Ontario Drive and Gear and Canadensys Aerospace Corp.