Mischa Dohler

Mischa Dohler is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Distinguished Member of Harvard Square Leaders Excellence. He is Professor in Wireless Communications at King's College London, where he directs the Centre for Telecommunications Research.

Life and career

He was CTO Worldsensing.

Music compositions and performance

TitleYearLengthPiecesPopular Pieces
“Stories From Another World”201729min8- Timeless Memories
- Ouroboros

- Gates to Auroris
“Black Tulips”201636min18- Black Tulips
- Deep Inside Me

- Ana
“Nothing Can Stop You”201523 min15- London Spring Cycles
- Dreaming Ahead

- Easter Weather
“Full Moon Relax”20151h 2min14- In Loving Memories
- Tender Memories

- You Are So Beautiful
“Those Free Years”201551 min18- Adoring This New World
- Eyes Wide Curious

Books and Monographs

Dohler has published five books and monographs, of which two were translated into Mandarin.
Carlos Anton, Mischa Dohler2015Elsevier
Mischa Dohler2014Scholars’ Press
正版图书协同通信:物理层、信道模型和系统实现Mischa Dohler, Yonghui Li2011Wiley & Sons
Mischa Dohler, Yonghui Li2010Wiley & Sons
M. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami2008Wiley & Sons
M. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami2006Wiley & Sons
B. Allen, Mischa Dohler, E. Okon, W. Malik, A. Brown, D. Edwards2006Wiley & Sons

Awards and recognition

Dohler has had press coverage on a variety of topics related to technology and innovation.
He has been a frequent guest speaker at technology conferences in Europe, such as the International Conference on Communications, TEDx London, Wired Conference in London and others.
He was also a guest on the shows such as Al Jazeera Inside Story, "Ian King Live" on Sky News TV-channel, Start-Ups
His most important coverage is listed below: