Mirza Ghulam Aḥmad was a religious figure from India, and the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He claimed to be the Mujaddid of the 14th Islamic century, the promised Messiah, and the Mahdi awaited by the Muslims in the end days. He declared that Jesus had in fact survived the crucifixion and later died a natural death, after having migrated towards Kashmir and that he had appeared in the likeness of Jesus. Ghulam Ahmad is known to have produced a vast amount of literature. He wrote more than ninety books, many of which extend to hundreds of pages. His written works often contain both prose and poetry in three different languages, Urdu, Arabic and Persian, though primarily Urdu. His writings contain the exposition and explanation of Islamic teachings, often reinterpreted. A wide range of subjects are also dealt with such as mysticism and the intricate issues of Islamic theology. His writings always used the Qur'an to elaborate and give meanings to various ideas. Many of his books bear a polemical and apologetic tone in favour of Islam. Several of his books were distributed internationally during his lifetime. His essay entitled The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam was well received by various intellectuals including Leo Tolstoy of Russia. His works were collected under the leadership of Mirza Nasir Ahmad, the third khalifa of Ghulam Ahmad. Most of his writings were compiled in the twenty-three volume corpus known as Rūhānī Khazā᾽in which includes his books, pamphlets, and various articles. His announcements and advertisements were collected in the Majmu'a Ishtihārāt with only a small number of his books being translated into English. His letters have been compiled into 4 volumes known as Maktūbāt-e-Ahmad and his complete discourses or sayings have been compiled in 10 volumes known as the Malfūzāt. All works were initially diligently handcomposed by calligraphers. Nazarat Ishaat Pakistan based in Rabwah, and Nazarat Nashro Ishaat, Qadian, India have been the key organizations responsible for preserving, composing and publishing the works in hand composed and computerized versions.