Mir Jumla II

Mir Jumla II was a prominent subahdar of Bengal under the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.

Early life

Mir Jumla was born in Iran, the son of an oil merchant. In his early age Mir Jumla found a job of a clerk under a diamond merchant who had connections with the Kingdom of Golkonda.. The region was famous for its diamond mines. Later he came to the Mughal Empire and started his own diamond business. He got involved in maritime commercial endeavours and achieved success.
Mir Jumla entered the service of the Sultan of Golconda and rose to the position of Vizier of the kingdom. He met and befriended the French traveller Jean-Baptiste Tavernier during this time. Tavernier was a pioneer of European trade with India and Mir Jumla is mentioned prominently in his book Les Six Voyages de J. B. Tavernier.

Mughal maritime trade

Mir Jumla, who in the 1640s had his own ships and organised merchant fleets that sailed throughout Surat, Thatta, Arakan, Ayuthya, Balasore, Aceh, Melaka, Johore, Bantam, Makassar, Ceylon, Bandar Abbas, Mecca, Jeddah, Basra, Aden, Masqat, Mocha and the Maldives.

Career in the Mughal Imperial Court

Prince Aurangzeb, the Mughal viceroy in the Deccan forwarded his cause and he got the protection of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan who honoured him with the title of Muazzam Khan, raised him to the rank of 6000 zat and 6000 sawar and appointed him the diwan-i-kul or the prime minister.
On his accession to the throne, Aurangzeb entrusted Mir Jumla with the task of dealing with Shah Shuja. Shuja was Auranzeb's brother and a contender to the Mughal throne. He was defeated in the Battle of Khajwa and took to flight. Mir Jumla pursued Shuja from Khajwa to Tandah and from Tanda to Dhaka, where he arrived on 9 May 1660. The latter, however, had already left Dhaka, crossed the eastern border and ultimately found shelter with the king of Arakan.
Soon after his arrival at Dhaka, Mir Jumla received the imperial farman appointing him subahdar of Bengal. The emperor, in recognition of his services, honoured Mir Jumla with titles, rewards and increment of mansab. He at once began reorganising the administration, which had become slack in the absence of Shuja during the war of succession, and disobedience and refractoriness had become prevalent. Reversing the action of Shuja who had transferred the capital to Rajmahal, he restored Dhaka to its former glory. He then paid attention to the administration of justice, dismissed dishonest Qazis and Mir Adils and replaced them with honest persons.According to Niccolai Manucci, Shuja fled back to Tripura with his surviving middle son Buland Akhtar whom Tripura king Nakshatra Roy alias Chhatra Narayan helped to reach Manipur by supplying elephants and a few guards for fear of Aurangzeb's pursuing army and informers. Shuja reached ultimately Manipur in 1662 starting from Daccca in 1660 via Arakan and Tripura, according to Dr. John Peter Wade. Manipur king Khunjaoba received him in 1662 and kept him secret of his identity and also Aurangzeb sent a three-man embassy to Manipur regarding the matter and Manipur king too reciprocated with a three-man embassy to the Mughal Court.
Shuja was hiding for sometime in Shujalok and in Ukhrul hill of the present state, and returned to the valley in 1679. Since Shuja arrived on elephant supplied by Tripura king, he was also known as Shuna-i-pil, meaning "officer-in-charge of elephants", among Manipuri annalists and in the puya, Nongsamei.. He died sometime in 1691 and was buried at Shujalok. ''.
Mir Jumla's construction activities in Dhaka and its suburbs resulted in two roads, two bridges and a network of forts, which were necessary for public welfare, strategic purposes, and speedy dispatch of troops, equipment and ammunition. A fort at Tangi-Jamalpur guarded one of the roads connecting Dhaka with the northern districts; it is now known as the Mymensingh Road. The other road led eastward, connecting the capital city with Fatulla, where there were two forts, and by extension the road could lead up to Khizrpur where two other forts were situated. The Pagla bridge lies on this road off Fatulla. Some parts of the roads and forts built by Mir Jumla are still extant.

Northeastern frontier expedition

The most important aspect of Mir Jumla's rule in Bengal was his northeastern frontier policy, by which he conquered the frontier kingdoms of Kamrup and Assam. Koch Behar was a vassal state, but Raja Pran Narayan took advantage of the war of succession and shook off his allegiance. The Ahom king of Assam, Jayadhvaja Singh, occupied a part of Kamrup, which had earlier been integrated with the Bengal subah.
Mir Jumla advanced with a large army and navy against the enemy; he sent the main body of the troops and the navy towards Kamrup, while he himself proceeded against Koch Behar. On his approach, Pran Narayan evacuated the country and fled towards the hills. Koch Behar was occupied in about one month and a half and making administrative arrangements there, Mir Jumla came to join the advance party towards Kamrup.
The king of Assam was prudent enough to evacuate Kamrup, but Mir Jumla decided to conquer Assam also. Mir Jumla took 12,000 cavalry, 30,000 infantry, and a fleet of 323 ships and boats up river towards Assam—the naval contingent comprised Portuguese, English, and Dutch sailors.
An account of the campaign and the life during the times was presented by the Venetian adventurer Niccolao Manucci in his memoirs Storia do Mogor. This book was a reference for the work of the French historian François Catrou who wrote the 'Histoire Générale de l'Empire du Mogol' in 1715. Manucci also got acquainted with a Mughal Navy officer of British descent during the same period named Thomas Pratte. Pratte was appointed by Mir Jumla as an officer in the Mughal navy and used to collect war boats and procure gunpowder necessary for naval warfare.
Assam, in those days, was a big country and its physiography was much different from that of Bengal. But nothing daunted Mir Jumla. In less than six weeks' time, since his starting from Guwahati, Mir Jumla conquered up to Garhgaon, the capital of Assam.

Jungle warfare and counter-insurgency campaign

Beyond that the country was full of high hills and mountains, inaccessible for horses and troops, where the Ahom king took shelter. During the rains, the Mughals were locked in a few raised grounds, the roads were submerged, the streams and even the nalahs swelled up to become big rivers..
Many armies would have disintegrated under these circumstances but under Mir Jumla's magnificent leadership, the Mughal army held firm and remained on the offensive.
After the rains were over, both Mir Jumla and the king of Assam agreed to sign a peace treaty. The terms of treaty implied that the Ahom king would accept Mughal rule and also send two Ahom princesses to the court of the Mughal Emperor as a sign of goodwill. The Ahoms also had to pay a war indemnity and an annual tribute of 20 elephants. They also had to cede the western half of their kingdom from Guwahati to Manas river.

Death and legacy

Mir Jumla died on his way back from the Assamese territory on 30 March 1663. His tomb located on a small hillock at Mankachar, Assam has been maintained over the centuries. It is near Garo Hills in the northeastern Indian state of Meghalaya. The tomb reflects a remarkably long grave and bears testimony to the tall height of Mir Jumla. There are two more unidentified graves beside the tomb of Mir Jumla said to be of two Pirs, i. e. of holy saints.