Milo Urban
Milo Urban was Slovak writer, translator, journalist and important representatives of modern Slovak literature. Urban is controversial figure because he served as an editor-in-chief of an official propagandist magazine of the Hlinka Guard Gardista in the era of the clerofascist Slovak State and was found guilty for collaboration by the court in 1948.Works
Stories, novellas, novels
- 1920 - Ej, ten tanec, story
- Nešťastník
- Už je pozde
- V zhone žitia
- Vanitas vanitatum
- Typograf
- 1922 - Jašek Kutliak spod Bačinky, novella
- 1926 - Za vyšným mlynom, this work was used as a model to Eugen Suchoň's opera Krútňava
- 1928 - Výkriky bez ozveny, collection of novellas
- * V súmraku
- * Štefan Koňarčík-Chrapek a Pán Boh
- * Rozprávka o Labudovi
- * Mičinova kobyla
- * Tajomstvo Pavla Hrona
- * Svedomie a Staroba
- 1932 - Z tichého frontu, collection of novellas
- * Skok do priepasti
- * Nie!
- * Roztopené srdce
- * Pred dražbou
- * Drevený chlieb
- * Človek, ktorý hľadá šťastie
- 1927 - Živý bič, novel
- 1930 - Hmly na úsvite, free continuation of Živý bič
- 1940 - V osídlach, free continuation of Živý bič
- 1943 - Novely
- 1957 - Zhasnuté svetlá, free continuation of Živý bič
- 1964 - Kto seje vietor, free continuation of Živý bič
- 1996 - Železom po železe
- 1970 - Zelená krv: Spomienky hájnikovho syna
- 1992 - Kade-tade po Halinde
- 1994 - Na brehu krvavej rieky
- 1995 - Sloboda nie je špás
Other works
- 1920 / 1921 - Zavrhnutý, poem
- 1925 - Otroci predsudkov, play
- 1934 - Česká literatúra a Slováci, lecture
- 1991 - Beta, kde si? , play
- 1951 - selection from Russian tales
- 1954 - Igor Newerly: Pamiątka z Celulozy
- 1959 - Aleksander Fredro: Pan Geldhab
- 1960 - Karel Čapek and Josef Čapek: Zo života hmyzu
- 1961 - Karel Čapek: Matka