Military rule in Burma

Military rule in Myanmar lasted from 1962 to 2011. Myanmar gained its granted independence from
British Empire in 1948 under Burmese Independence Army, as a democratic nation. The first military rule began in 1958 and direct military rule started when Ne Win captured power through a coup d'état in 1962, it became a military dictatorship under the Burma Socialist Programme Party lasted for 26 years, in the claim to save the country from disintegration. During this period there was some democratic landscape in the form of election, giving rights to the citizen to elect and to stand for
For most of its independent years, the sovereign state has been engrossed in rampant ethnic strife and its myriad ethnic groups have been involved in one of the world's longest-running ongoing civil wars. During this time, the United Nations and several other organisations have reported consistent and systematic human rights violations in the country.
In 2011, the military junta was officially dissolved following a 2010 general election, and a nominally civilian government was installed.


Myanmar, the largest country in Mainland Southeast Asia is located at the meeting point of South and Southeast Asia. It is bordered with
five nations, China, Laos, Thailand, India and Bangladesh. Myanmar gained its Independent on January 4, 1948 from
British Empire under the leadership of General Aung San under Burma National Army.
In July 1947, Aung San was assassinated by rivals under the leadership of U Saw, but
achieved independence in January 1948 under U Nu. Since its struggle for Independent, the armed forces known as the ‘Tatmadaw’ played an important role in gaining Independent and it was under the Burmese Independence Army that Myanmar got its independent. The Army in Myanmar had gained respect in independent Myanmar at the initial stage and perceived as protector of the country. The military claims itself as the
founder of the Union of Burma, and the main force that held the country together during the civil war and also claimed that it has prevented the country from disintegrating.
After the independent, a constitutional government was formed and U Nu was nominated as the first Prime Minister of Independent Myanmar. However the newly formed civilian government under U Nu, failed to maintain the unity of the
country facing with domestic problems, ethnic issues, insurgency, corruption, mismanagement, and the ethnic insurgencies which took up arms against each other. And in 1958 a split within the AFPFL threatened to provoke a coup
from field officers. In order to settle the situation U Nu invited the military to form caretaker government.
In 1958-60, the caretaker government under General Ne Win was formed. The caretaker government initially appeared to be interested in building state capacity. It reduced corruption, improved bureaucratic efficiency, and managed to deal with the pocket
armies. Military junta announced to held election in 1960.
After the election in 1960, U Nu party formed a civilian government. But the civilian government under U Nu could not solve and improve the situation rather threat the national integration of the country leading to the coup on March 2, 1962 under General Ne Win. The main reasons for the coup were a mix of political infighting, policy gridlock, multiple insurgencies on a massive scale, and a declining economy. After
the coup, the military government arrest members of the government, suspended the constitution and appoint a Union Revolutionary Council to Govern Myanmar by decree.
The coup on 2 March 1962 led to the end of democratic form of government and the beginning of direct military rule in Myanmar up to 1974. During the period of military rule under General Ne Win, the country was shaped into one-party socialist state under the army led party called as Burma Socialist Programme Party till 1988. And the year from 1962 to 1988, can be marked as the era of Ne Win. The period from 1962-1988 can be divided into two phase. The first phase is the period of direct military rule from 1962-1974 and Constitutional Dictatorship phase from 1974 to 1988.
