Military Office of the Ministry of Defence

Military Office of the Ministry of Defence, previously the Military Office of the Minister of Defence, was an office in the Royal Chancery from 1945 to 1974 and in the Government Offices from 1975 to 1979, where all so-called ‘military command matters’ were handled and from where these accompanying dispatches were issued.


The Military Office of the Minister of Defence was formed in 1945 after the amalgamation of the Military Office of the Land Defence, the Military Office of the Naval Defence and the Military Office of the Air Force. These changes drew strong criticism in military circles, where they felt that they could become a gateway for ministerial rule of the Swedish defense. The office consisted, according to its instruction of 15 June 1945, of a chief, adjutant to the chief, the Army Section, Air Force Section and Navy Section, Conscription Office, Service Message and List Office and the Registrar Office.
The Military Office of the Minister of Defence was responsible for so-called ‘military command matters’, i.e. such governmental affairs in which the King, in his capacity as Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, decided. In 1965 the office was renamed the Military Office of the Ministry of Defence. Then it consisted of a chief, the Army Section, Air Force Section and Navy Section and the Swedish Armed Forces' List/Register. It ceased as an independent organization in 1979/80 and in 1980 it was renamed Ministry of Defence's International Unit.


The Chief of the Military Office of the Ministry of Defence, before 1965 called the Chief of the Military Office of the Minister of Defence :