Milion chvilek pro demokracii

Milion chvilek pro demokracii is a Czech political campaigning organisation, which organizes protests and demonstrations against the government of Czech Prime Minister, Andrej Babiš. Its initial goal was a challenge to get one million signatures in support of Babiš's resignation, in protest at his staying in office while the subject of a police investigation, and his previous activities as an operative of the State Security services under the former communist regime.


Since 2018, A Million Moments for Democracy has organized 16 demonstrations. The 14th, named "Je to na nás!" took place in Letná Park in Prague on 23 June 2019, and was the biggest protest since the fall of Communism in 1989. More than 250,000 people attended the protest, calling for the resignation of Babiš and his justice secretary Marie Benešová.
The 16th demonstration, "Letná 2 – znovu za demokracii" was again held in Letná on 16 November 2019, on the eve of 17 November, the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The protest was again attended by around 250,000 people. It was against the prime minister Andrej Babiš. According to the organisation's chair, Mikuláš Minář: "First and foremost, we want politicians who respect democratic principles and institutions, who do not lie, do not embezzle, do not intimidate, and do not have conflicts of interest."