Mildenhall College Academy

Mildenhall College Academy is a coeducational secondary school and sixth form with academy status, located in Mildenhall, Suffolk, England.
The school was built in the 1970s as Mildenhall Upper School and opened to students in 1976. It was awarded Technology, Applied Learning and Science School status in 2002 and changed its name to Mildenhall College of Technology.
In 2012 two extra year groups formally joined the school. Year 7 and 8 pupils are educated at the former Riverside Middle School site, at Sheldrick Way. The school reverted to its original name of Mildenhall College at this time. The school converted to academy status on 4 July 2014 and was renamed Mildenhall College Academy. The academy operates across a split-site with Years 7 to 11 at the main site and the Sixth Form in its own specialist Sixth Form Centre, MCA6, at Sheldrick Way.
Mildenhall College Academy has four houses; Austen, Brunel, Cavell and Newton named after four historical figures. The Academy also offers an "Ace-points" system in which students are able to gain points for things such as attendance and good work, and these go towards their house. Pupils can build up their points to gain personal rewards, ranging from a free school meal to an iPod. There is also a consequence system for unacceptable behaviour. This system has been recognised locally and won awards for its positive impact on transforming the behaviour and attitude of students.
The catchment area is home to two large USAF contingents at RAF Mildenhall and RAF Lakenheath.
From 2013-14 Mildenhall College Academy worked in partnership with the Gymnasium Theodorianum School in Paderborn, Germany to create a monument commemorating the Christmas Truce. The monument is thought to be the first of its kind in Europe. It is located in the Peace Village of Mesen, Belgium.
